Insert Row in GridView using SqlDataSource and update to database ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Luqman
  • Start date Start date


I added new rows to the GridView with the following code.

I am using SqlDataSource and Sql Server 2000 Northwind Database Customers

Dim sqlarg As New DataSourceSelectArguments

Dim dv As New System.Data.DataView

dv = SqlDataSource1.Select(sqlarg)

Dim drNewRow As Data.DataRowView = dv.AddNew

drNewRow(0) = "LUQ1"

drNewRow(1) = "LUQMAN"




The above code is just adding the row on the fly, but after adding various
rows, I want two choices.

1. Either Exit from the Web Form and Cancel all the updates.

2. Transfer the updated Rows, back to the Database.

How can I achieve the above Two Scenarios.

I want to Add/Edit Records within the Dataset, use them for calculations and
then finally update batch to the database or cancel the update.

Any idea please ?

Best Regards,

You can add a new row to the Grid by adding a button in the footer and then
add the data and update the data in the database by clicking the update

My question is, what will be the coding behing Update Button, to update the
Database ?

Best Regards,

You do not need to write code behind the update button. Infact, you will have
to write the SQL update query in the sqldatasource updateQuery property for
updating the database when you click the update button in the GridView

< snip >

<You can add a new row to the Grid by adding a button in the footer and then
<add the data and update the data in the database by clicking the update


Ok - I'm about as new as new gets and am reading answers hoping I will learn something.

Placing an button in the footer "seems" simple enough if you mean putting a button from the toolbox
and placing it on the footer. If not please clarify. Also please explain what you mean by add the data as
in add it where? What update button are you referring to and where did it come from?

Sorry if I appear confused, but I'm obviously missing something here.

Alternatively, if you would like to post a sample page that would be even better.


I want to add records on a fly, which will be saved in local dataset and
display in GridView Control, and as soon as I click on update button, all
the records will be transferred to the Database.

If I cancel, all the changes I made in local dataset will be removed from my
PC Local Memory or Dataset.

Best Regards,


< snip >

<You can add a new row to the Grid by adding a button in the footer and then
<add the data and update the data in the database by clicking the update


Ok - I'm about as new as new gets and am reading answers hoping I will learn something.

Placing an button in the footer "seems" simple enough if you mean putting a button from the toolbox
and placing it on the footer. If not please clarify. Also please explain
what you mean by add the data as