ok i have a main form called frmpeople. which has the following
txtcity, txtstate, cmbzip
i have another form for the list box called frmzipcodesearch with the
following code in
the row source for the list box which is called list0
SELECT tblPeople.PersonID, tblPeople.City, tblPeople.State,
FROM tblPeople;
sometimes a city could be associated with duplicate zipcodes
Montery Park 91106
Montebello 91106
what i want to do is if a user enters a zipcode that is associated
with more the one city the form
called frmzipcodesearch will pop up asking user to select correct city
user double clicks the city from the list box and it will insert that
record into the form or table called tblpeople.
Can anyone help
Thanks In advance.
txtcity, txtstate, cmbzip
i have another form for the list box called frmzipcodesearch with the
following code in
the row source for the list box which is called list0
SELECT tblPeople.PersonID, tblPeople.City, tblPeople.State,
FROM tblPeople;
sometimes a city could be associated with duplicate zipcodes
Montery Park 91106
Montebello 91106
what i want to do is if a user enters a zipcode that is associated
with more the one city the form
called frmzipcodesearch will pop up asking user to select correct city
user double clicks the city from the list box and it will insert that
record into the form or table called tblpeople.
Can anyone help
Thanks In advance.