(Cross-posted from the data import/export group where nobody responded)
(I'm using winXP and MSA XP/Dev)
1st, I want to display a bunch of little bitmaps, (PNGs) in continuous
forms. So the usual trick of storing filepaths and using an unbound image
control at runtime won't work and I HAVE to store them as OLE data, right?
I've read conficting things on the web about this.
One guy sez I have to put the data through an OLE control (on a form) and
gave me code to do that:
Me.LibItemIconOLE.Class = "Bitmap Image"
Me.LibItemIconOLE.OLETypeAllowed = acOLEEmbedded
Me.LibItemIconOLE.SourceDoc = Me.LibItemPNGFilePath
Me.LibItemIconOLE.UpdateOptions = Automatic
Me.LibItemIconOLE.SizeMode = acOLESizeStretch
but that code only seems to effect the CONTROL and not the bound datafield.
(and doesn't put any data in the field at all)
another post sez I should use the "AppendChunk" method but niether the OLE
field or it's bound control seems to allow that.
The closest I've gotten is being able to put "Long Binary Data" into the
..Value of the field, (a BLOB?) but of course that won't display.
to repeat: I'm not convinced I have to store pics in OLE at all if there is
any other to display images in CONTINUOUS FORMs. but I don't think that there
so can someone point me to the right OLE image primer? or tell what I'm
doing wrong
aha tia
(I'm using winXP and MSA XP/Dev)
1st, I want to display a bunch of little bitmaps, (PNGs) in continuous
forms. So the usual trick of storing filepaths and using an unbound image
control at runtime won't work and I HAVE to store them as OLE data, right?
I've read conficting things on the web about this.
One guy sez I have to put the data through an OLE control (on a form) and
gave me code to do that:
Me.LibItemIconOLE.Class = "Bitmap Image"
Me.LibItemIconOLE.OLETypeAllowed = acOLEEmbedded
Me.LibItemIconOLE.SourceDoc = Me.LibItemPNGFilePath
Me.LibItemIconOLE.UpdateOptions = Automatic
Me.LibItemIconOLE.SizeMode = acOLESizeStretch
but that code only seems to effect the CONTROL and not the bound datafield.
(and doesn't put any data in the field at all)
another post sez I should use the "AppendChunk" method but niether the OLE
field or it's bound control seems to allow that.
The closest I've gotten is being able to put "Long Binary Data" into the
..Value of the field, (a BLOB?) but of course that won't display.
to repeat: I'm not convinced I have to store pics in OLE at all if there is
any other to display images in CONTINUOUS FORMs. but I don't think that there
so can someone point me to the right OLE image primer? or tell what I'm
doing wrong
aha tia