Well I can insert images into the Inspector message using:
Dim H As MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Set H = ActiveInspector.HTMLEditor
H.execCommand("InsertImage", False, PATH)
I'm inserting images into the HTML message body in
response to a user click on a floating toolbar.
My problem now is that when an image is inserted, it
remains selected (with resizing handles). The next click
on the toolbar, the previously inserted image is
So basically, what I need is the HTML object model
equivalent of the user pressing the "right-arrow" key...
Translation: Moving the insertion point to just after
the inserted image and able to insert additional images
or text without having to click the body of the message.
My current work-around is:
Call ActiveInspector.HTMLEditor.focus
SendKeys "{RIGHT}"
Which seems to work but, then there is issue of setting
the focus. I would like to accomplish this using the
HTML object model.
I have tried:
1) execCommand("Unselect",False) which does not
completed unselect the just inserted image.
2) H.Selection.empty which completely unselects the
inserted image, but the new insertion point is
indeterminant so the next click on the image toolbar can
not insert anything.
I hope this explanation was not too long... and that
someone can point in the right direction.