Insert Name based on the account number



I receive the excel report with about 80 different account numbers and
multiple charges against each account number. I can't tell by the account
number who the vendor is. How can I insert a column to populate it with
vendor names based on the account number. Can I setup some hidden table to do
this automatically once and for all? Any other method? Each account may have
multiple rows.
acct invoice date amount
123 12121212 01/15/09 $365.15
123 12121334 01/18/09 $105.00
125 30987652 01/16/09 $250.40

Thank you.

Don Guillett

set up a table with acct and vendor and then just use VLOOKUP. Look in the
help index for VLOOKUP


You can use a simple Vlookup() function in say Column E,
with a datalist of account numbers and names in an "out-of-the-way"
location, in say Columns AA and BB.

Account numbers in AA1 to AA80,
Corresponding account names in BB1 to BB80.

Enter this formula in E2:


and copy down as needed.

A return of the #N/A error means you haven't added that account number to
your datalist yet.



Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!

I receive the excel report with about 80 different account numbers and
multiple charges against each account number. I can't tell by the account
number who the vendor is. How can I insert a column to populate it with
vendor names based on the account number. Can I setup some hidden table to
this automatically once and for all? Any other method? Each account may have
multiple rows.
acct invoice date amount
123 12121212 01/15/09 $365.15
123 12121334 01/18/09 $105.00
125 30987652 01/16/09 $250.40

Thank you.

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