Insert DLLs in EXE



The problem is, let's say I have an app that uses 25 controls form the
toolbox, now for this app to work you need all dlls in the same dir as
the exe, is there a way to insert them into the exe file?

I have some comps installed and if I drag them to my form and the
compile it in the bin folder the control dll is not present but the app
works, the question is how can I register(if I can not insert them into
the exe)or something the dlls so that they will not be present into the
exe dir?

Ignacio Machin \( .NET/ C# MVP \)


Why you want to do that?

AFAIK there is no direct way to append dlls to an EXE. Maybe a third party
tool can do that.

The reason you are not seeing the dll in your bin dir is cause they are
already registered in your system , most probably in the GAC.

If you add a setup project you will see that those dll are added to your
setup, when you install your setup in another machine those dll will be
copied along with your .EXE

Of course, if the controls you use are the one present in the framework
nothng of the above apply.


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