insert date

  • Thread starter Thread starter FlashGordon64
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I just reloaded Office 2003. Now when I start typing the date i.e. November
it finished the word November but doesnt insert the rest of the date i.e.
November 16, 2008. Any suggestions?
That's the way it works. You can either get it to finish the month, or you
can finish typing the month manually and it will give you the rest. Not
both. If it ever did more for you, you were just lucky.
Lucky? Is this a for real answer-I had 3 laptops each came pre-installed with
Office and each one completed the date. How can you get lucky with software?
Beats me, but I can attest that for years I had a copy of Word 97 (or
possibly later) in which I could do a particular thing that no other Word
MVP could. And I've been "charmed" in several respects in various versions.
But I've never had the date completely AutoComplete for me in Word 2003.
Does it still do this for you on either of the other two laptops?
If I set the Long Date format to MMMM d, yyyy and I type


Word invites me to press Enter and it will give me November

If I type


and then press the Space Bar, Word invites me to press Enter to get November
16, 2008

If I accept the former invitation, resulting in November being inserted into
the document and then press the Space Bar, I do not get the invitation to
press Enter to get the complete date.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP
How come something so simple as inserting the date is not reliable and