insert date and time

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Hi, I'm trying to insert the actual date and time in to my site but I really
don't like the one provided by the Microsoft Frontpage help, because it has a
border and a white backgroud. Where can I find one just with the text and no
backgroung or borders and much better in spanish if possible? Thank you for
your help. Claudia
If you're looking for the current date and time as opposed to the date/time
the page was created/edited, your best bet is javascript. Luckily there are
lots of free scripts out there, some of them are very tailorable.

Check and for really good
date/time and clock scripts.

Hope this helps,
Mark Fitzpatrick
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

Here is a simple script that displays the (local) date and time every second
function DateTime()
var now = new Date()
var cdate = '<b class="red">'
+ now.toLocaleDateString() + ' '
+ now.toLocaleTimeString()
+ '</b>'
if (document.all)
document.all.clock.innerHTML = cdate
if (document.getElementById)
document.getElementById("clock").innerHTML = cdate
function gettime()
{ setInterval("DateTime()",1000) }

In your HTML,
change <body> tag to <body onload="gettime()">
and where you want the time to display , add
Current Date: <span id="clock"></span>

or you may wish to make it
Fecha Actual: <span id="clock"></span>

Other things you can do is
remove class="red" if you don't want the date and time in red
remove + now.toLocaleDateString() + ' ' if you want only the time and not
the date