Dear Jeremy,
Ummm..OK. Java. OK. If you are happy, that's all that matters. I use
JavaScript sparingly, and Java applets almost never. With JavaScript,
you end up having to reveal your inner secrets, your work, your code.
ASP (Active Server Pages), though, does not reveal your method of
execution. That's between the page and the server. Period. Server only
returns the results to browser. Take this code, and copy it to a new
page. Save it, on your server (assuming you are on a Windows server) in
a place only you can see it - and not as an .htm file, save it as
jeremytest.asp --->
Response.Write("<P><B>Server Variables</b><br>")
BlankVars="<P><B>Blank Server Variables</b><br>" & vbcrlf
For Each Key in Request.ServerVariables
If instr(Key,"_ALL")+instr(key,"ALL_")=0 then
If len(tempvalue)=0 then
BlankVars=BlankVars & Key & ", "
response.write "request.servervariables(" & quote
response.write Key & quote & ") "
response.write " =<br><B>" & tempvalue & "</b><p>" & vbcrlf
End If
end if
response.write mid(BlankVars,1,len(BlankVars)-2)
Now go have a look at it in your browser. Every detail, including
actual drive paths to your website on the server will be there. That is
the power of ASP: all that info from those few lines of code. KEEP THAT
PAGE HIDDEN -it shows stuff you dont want hackers to know. Then go look
at this:
And after that, you can start on .NET stuff at - Good