I work with lists that look like this:
How To Build A Chair - Getting Started
How To Build A Chair - The Hard Part
How To Build A Chair - Cleaning Up
Forgotten Tales From Nova Scotia
When To Say No
Jack's Favorite Foods - Breakfast
Jack's Favorite Foods - Snacks
Jack's Favorite Foods - Drinks
Jack's Favorite Foods - Picnics
I want to build a macro that will allow me to select all the cells from the
same book, run the macro, and end up with this:
How To Build A Chair - 1. Getting Started
How To Build A Chair - 2. The Hard Part
How To Build A Chair - 3. Cleaning Up
Forgotten Tales From Nova Scotia
When To Say No
Jack's Favorite Foods - 1. Breakfast
Jack's Favorite Foods - 2. Snacks
Jack's Favorite Foods - 3. Drinks
Jack's Favorite Foods - 4. Picnics
I've recorded and written macros before, but never with any of the kinds of
variables and loops I think i'll need here. Any suggestions, advice or links
will be greatly appreciated.
I work with lists that look like this:
How To Build A Chair - Getting Started
How To Build A Chair - The Hard Part
How To Build A Chair - Cleaning Up
Forgotten Tales From Nova Scotia
When To Say No
Jack's Favorite Foods - Breakfast
Jack's Favorite Foods - Snacks
Jack's Favorite Foods - Drinks
Jack's Favorite Foods - Picnics
I want to build a macro that will allow me to select all the cells from the
same book, run the macro, and end up with this:
How To Build A Chair - 1. Getting Started
How To Build A Chair - 2. The Hard Part
How To Build A Chair - 3. Cleaning Up
Forgotten Tales From Nova Scotia
When To Say No
Jack's Favorite Foods - 1. Breakfast
Jack's Favorite Foods - 2. Snacks
Jack's Favorite Foods - 3. Drinks
Jack's Favorite Foods - 4. Picnics
I've recorded and written macros before, but never with any of the kinds of
variables and loops I think i'll need here. Any suggestions, advice or links
will be greatly appreciated.