Insert an Arrow from Draw Toolbar


George Rivers

I am a new user and I wish to insert an arrow, from the Draw Toolbar, into a
cell in an Excel worksheet. However, when I click on the arrow button in the
Draw Toolbar the images are all "gray" and I can not highlight the image.
Does this mean that the images are not loaded on my computer? Or, is there
some command to unlock the images? This is an older version of Microsoft
Office and an older computer, if that should matter.

Thank you, for help with this matter.


T. Valko

Which arrow button are you clicking?

See this screencap:

After you click the highlighted button navigate to where you want to draw
the arrow. The cursor will change to a "skinny + sign". Left click and hold,
then drag to draw the arrow. When you relase the left mouse button then the
arrow styles button will be active. Or, you can hover the mouse over the
drawn arrow and when the cursor changes to a "4 point arrow" right click and
you'll get a menu with many formatting options.

Gord Dibben

1. The worksheet may be protected.

Tools>Protection>Unprotect Sheet

2. You may have more than one sheet selected.

Right-click on any sheet tab and "Ungroup sheets".

3. The workbook may be "shared".

Tools>Share Workbook and uncheck the "Allow changes to be made etc." cannot "insert" and object into a cell, just lay it on top.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

On Sun, 2 Mar 2008 14:24:00 -0800, George Rivers <George


if you can see the draw tool bar, they are loaded.
i think you are trying to select arrow style before you drew the arrow.
select the single arrow on the draw tool bar and draw the arrow on the sheet
then slect the arrow style form the arrow style icon.
but i think you will run it a problem anyway. drawn object cannot be put
into a cell. they just float on top on the sheet. and can be moved around
independent of a cell.
if you want the arrow inside the cell, do this....
on the menu bar....
scroll down and select a arrow symble, click incert, click close, press
there are several styles to pick
another option...
set the font of the cell to wingding3. all of the lower case letter on the
keyboard represent a differnt kind of arrow. experiment with it.


George Rivers

Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you again. I was not drawing it first and
really did not know or understand what I was suppose to be doing in the Draw
Toolbar, but the suggestions y'all gave helped me and I have now inserted an
arrow into my program.

Thanks again,


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