I have a table with station names for ex. SS-MICU, SS-MIMCU, ect. I need to
have a query fun and input a value of SS-MICU 00000 for all records that have
a station name. I hope this makes sense. My example is the data I pull
looks like
SS-MICU 04544 since that is the lowest number I'm pulling back and I have to
have a value of SS-MICU 00000 as the first record and I need a way to put
that in all records I have.
Thanks in advance.
have a query fun and input a value of SS-MICU 00000 for all records that have
a station name. I hope this makes sense. My example is the data I pull
looks like
SS-MICU 04544 since that is the lowest number I'm pulling back and I have to
have a value of SS-MICU 00000 as the first record and I need a way to put
that in all records I have.
Thanks in advance.