I've designed a login form containing a textbox and a command botton(OK) .
And an IF code in Timer of the form ,when you add the password , OK botton
is set to enabled and it works beautifully ... But when the textbox
inputmask is set to "Password" it doesn't work any more .And the error goes
on " IF.." code
what should I do ? please .....
Thanks for any help
My Email : (e-mail address removed)
I've designed a login form containing a textbox and a command botton(OK) .
And an IF code in Timer of the form ,when you add the password , OK botton
is set to enabled and it works beautifully ... But when the textbox
inputmask is set to "Password" it doesn't work any more .And the error goes
on " IF.." code
what should I do ? please .....
Thanks for any help
My Email : (e-mail address removed)