InputMask and error Message


Marcel Stoop

Hi everyone

For a Textfield I have a inputmask created. When I not correctly fillout
this field and jump to another field, an Acces generated message appears
that a inputmask is created, and that the input value is not correct.

Does anyone know how to get rid of that message.


Marcel Stoop

I want to keep an error message. I just don't want to keep that absolut not
user friendly error message.
I already thought of "DoCmd.SetWarnings False" but that does not seem to do
the trick.

For me it does not do the job, if users (I mean the users of the programm im
creating) can't figure out what the hell Access is trying to tell them.
Isn't there really a work-around-solution.



Hi everyone

For a Textfield I have a inputmask created. When I not correctly fillout
this field and jump to another field, an Acces generated message appears
that a inputmask is created, and that the input value is not correct.

Does anyone know how to get rid of that message.


Here's how you can find the correct error and show your own message
for any of the form level errors.

First code the Form's Error event:

MsgBox "Error#: " & DataErr ' Display the error number
Response = acDataErrDisplay ' Display Default message

Then open the form and intentionally make that error.

The message box will display the error number and the default error

Next, go back to the error event and change that code to:

If DataErr = XXXX Then
Response = acDataErrContinue ' Don't display the default message
MsgBox "Please enter data in all required fields."
MsgBox "Error#: " & DataErr
Response = acDataErrDisplay ' Display Default message
End If

where XXXX is the error number.



I am having that problem to and tired your code and it worked for the most
part. However, I have 8 textboxes that all have input masks and I would like
to create user friendly error messages for all of them. So, I tried that code
but it gave me the same error number for 7 out of 8 of my boxes. Do you know
why this might be happening?



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