Need to create an "InputBox" that populates a control in a report.
For example:
On the report opening an InputBox appears stating: Enter Name of Company.
The company name typed into the InputBox would then appear in the txtCoName
Checked Access Help, VBA Help and Access Support and 2 1,000 plus page books
and can't find an example.
This can't be rare. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Need to create an "InputBox" that populates a control in a report.
For example:
On the report opening an InputBox appears stating: Enter Name of Company.
The company name typed into the InputBox would then appear in the txtCoName
Checked Access Help, VBA Help and Access Support and 2 1,000 plus page books
and can't find an example.
This can't be rare. Can someone point me in the right direction?