Input of Data required based on another cell

  • Thread starter bluegrassstateworker
  • Start date


I have a cell that I wish to require have a value entered if the cell
before it contains a specific value. In this case, the cell values
are either "1-Yes" or "0-No". Using the Left() function, I can obtain
either a 1 or 0 value. In an adjacent cell, if someone has selected
"1-Yes" from the dropdown list I want to make sure that the user must
input information before going on. An analogy would be a question/
answer sequence: "Are you working on anything?" "Yes." "Enter what you
are working on in the cell below."

I can do this via visual basic and setting a variable to handle this
but I would rather keep it within Excel funtions before I do this.

As always, asisstance most appreciated.


I know of no way you can force the issue without using VBA. One thing you
could do, is use Conditional Formatting to pop up a red background and show
the white font in the cell stating your "Message" requiring that cell be
populated next. You could also IF your other formulas to not work unless the
required cell contains data.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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