Input Mask

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brian
  • Start date Start date


On a couple of my forms I have fields for phone/fax
numbers. Some of the numbers that I will be storing have
extension numbers that go with them. I modified the input
mask to have the placement for the extension, when needed,
but have run into a problem with this.

If there is no extension, I get an error back saying that
the data is not complete or it puts the area code and the
rest of the number to the right, populated the extension
with the last 4 of the number.

Is there a way to make this input mask work IFF needed?

Thanks for the help.
You should store the extension in a separate field (it is a separate piece
of information afterall).

You would then not have the issue with the input mask, and also you'll find
it much easier to query all people at the same phone number.