Input Mask to make First Character Uppercase

  • Thread starter Thread starter David
  • Start date Start date


Is there an input mask that will force the first character to uppercase, and
not change the rest? So an entry like "jones" would be entered as "Jones",
but a name like "LeFevre" won't end up as Lefevre"? I can't seem to get it
In the Access Help topic "Input Masks", the following is suggested as the
way to get the first letter in the text box entry capitalized:

But, names, as you can see, are highly personalized and *unpatterned*. You
could probably create a mask that would capitalize the first and third
characters of a text string, but then it would *always* capitalize the first
and third characters and you would get: JoNes instead of Jones. Then,
there are names which do not begin with a capital letter, such as: vanWyck.
This may seem like a wierd way to do things, however it
works. You make a query that looks for the new entry to
see if the beginning is the same as a list of possible
name beginnings such as Mc, Van ect and set it to change
the following letter to cap.
Ooo... hadn't considered vanWyck! You're right, names are unpatterned! I'm
leaving it alone.