input mask (KB625244)

  • Thread starter Thread starter paolo vareschi
  • Start date Start date

paolo vareschi

dear colleagues,
with reference to Microsoft Knowledge Base article n.
625244, does anybody know which symbol can be used to
convert all field or control data into capital letter or
alternatively into lower case letters (I personally use
access xp).
Thanks a lot.
paolo said:
dear colleagues,
with reference to Microsoft Knowledge Base article n.
625244, does anybody know which symbol can be used to
convert all field or control data into capital letter or
alternatively into lower case letters (I personally use
access xp).
Thanks a lot.

I find that input masks are of very limited usefulness, generally.

If you want to see the letters capitalised as you type them and have
them stored in uppercase as well, use the following line of vba code in
the KeyPress event of the text box in which you are typing:

KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii)))

If you want you convert existing text in your Table, you will need to
use an Update Query.

