I am having trouble with the Input command.
My code looks like this:
Open "I:/Excel Experiments/WIOTAN1.csv" _
For Input As #2
Input #2, iAnalystCode, iAnalystName
Because my input file comes from the mainframe and is IEBGENER'd
(copied) to a USS platform (Unix-ish) it has carraige control
characters after the second field. But when I read the file, it is
not seeing the carraige control as the end of the line.
How can I get the Input command to recognize the carriage return as the
end of the line?
Or am I forced to use the "Line Input" and parsing out my fields? (say
it ain't so)
I am having trouble with the Input command.
My code looks like this:
Open "I:/Excel Experiments/WIOTAN1.csv" _
For Input As #2
Input #2, iAnalystCode, iAnalystName
Because my input file comes from the mainframe and is IEBGENER'd
(copied) to a USS platform (Unix-ish) it has carraige control
characters after the second field. But when I read the file, it is
not seeing the carraige control as the end of the line.
How can I get the Input command to recognize the carriage return as the
end of the line?
Or am I forced to use the "Line Input" and parsing out my fields? (say
it ain't so)