If you enter the 1,2,3,.....28 into cells A2:A29. Then in B2, use the formula
Yes but now I must have in one row all numbers from 1, 2 ... 31, I
dont want to have that, no matter, I appretiate your help. I use now
instead of =$A$1+A2-1, just this
=$A$1+1-1, next cell =$A$1+2-1, =$A$1+3-1 etc... to =$A$1+31-1 (thats
max, 31 day is maximum in month).
So your formula is completely the same
and format as date. In cell C2, use the same formula, but format for custom "dddd"
Thanks for that also.
Now what I want, if one month have 30 days, I dont want that next cell
have 01, but nothing, empty cell (because this is not the same mont,
but date from next month).
So I think to put in last few cells (let say from 28 - 31, because
minimal days in month is 28), some formula which check value, if
month(cell A29)>month(cell A28) then show " ", else show dd
I think
that you understand me. How to do that.
You can use conditional formatting to change the color depending on the day. Select cell C2, use Format | Conditional formatting...
select "Formula is" and use the formula:
=WEEKDAY(C2) = 1
Thanks this work great, only problem is that I have around 31 x 15
cell, and I must directl input value for each cell
Can't use select
cell and drag mouse pointer, beacue Excell always add if theer is A2,
next cell must be A3, then A4 etc...) I have try to input in 3 cells
A2 but nothing, then again excel adds some "next" value. No matter, I
will do that
Thanks a lot Bernie.