Input box replace text in textbox

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  • Start date Start date


How can I modify the macro below with input box code to replace "2008"
by "2009" using an input box - so that i can replace "2008" by "2010"
more easily if required - thxs
Sub masschange()

Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim longstr As String
Dim i As Long

For Each ws In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
For Each shp In ws.Shapes
If shp.Type = msoOLEControlObject Then
If TypeOf shp.OLEFormat.Object.Object Is MSForms.TextBox Then
If shp.Type = msoOLEControlObject Then
If TypeOf shp.OLEFormat.Object.Object Is MSForms.TextBox
shp.OLEFormat.Object.Object.Text =
Application.Substitute(shp.OLEFormat.Object.Object.Text, "o", "X")
End If
End If
End If
ElseIf shp.Type = msoTextBox Then
longstr = ""
For i = 1 To shp.DrawingObject.Characters.Count Step 250
longstr = longstr &
Application.Substitute(shp.DrawingObject.Caption, "2008", "2009")
Next i
For i = 1 To Len(longstr) Step 250
shp.DrawingObject.Characters(Start:=i, Length:=250).Text
= Mid(longstr, i, 250)
Next i
End If
Next shp
Next ws

End Sub
If you are using this macro to update annually, then change this:

Application.Substitute(shp.DrawingObject.Caption, "2008", "2009")

To this:

longstr = longstr & Application.Substitute(shp.DrawingObject _
..Caption, Format(Date - 365, "yyyy"), Format(Date, "yyyy"))

That should work every year.