Ian Mangelsdorf
I am using an input box to get a value for changing the axis on every
chart in a worksheet. I works fine but when cancel is hit I get a
strange result.
how can Improve the code below so a cancel hit will return to the
worksheet with no change
Sub set_axis()
Dim ch As ChartObject
mindepth = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Please Enter The Top Depth
for the Plot")
maxdpeth = mindpeth + 60
For Each ch In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
With ch.Chart.Axes(xlValue)
.MinimumScale = mindepth
.MaximumScale = mindepth + 60
.ReversePlotOrder = True
.CrossesAt = mindepth
End With
ActiveSheet.Name = "Core Plot " & mindepth & "m"
End Sub
chart in a worksheet. I works fine but when cancel is hit I get a
strange result.
how can Improve the code below so a cancel hit will return to the
worksheet with no change
Sub set_axis()
Dim ch As ChartObject
mindepth = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Please Enter The Top Depth
for the Plot")
maxdpeth = mindpeth + 60
For Each ch In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
With ch.Chart.Axes(xlValue)
.MinimumScale = mindepth
.MaximumScale = mindepth + 60
.ReversePlotOrder = True
.CrossesAt = mindepth
End With
ActiveSheet.Name = "Core Plot " & mindepth & "m"
End Sub