Inner join

  • Thread starter Thread starter Warrio
  • Start date Start date



Access Uses special join (inner, left and right join) that in the basic SQL
does not exist.
is there a similar way to have the same result using just conditions in the
clause Where?

Thank you for any suggestion.
I do handel it but I want to be independent from the Sql version of MS!! and
see how it works really behind it on the real Sql and orginal version!!!

the inner join works equally as SELECT * FROM Table1, Table2 WHERE Table1.ID
= Table2.ID
what about the right join and left join?
to have all records from Table1 and only those that are equal to
in Table2

can we do the same thing in the WHERE clause??

Thank you

Access Uses special join (inner, left and right join) that in the basic SQL
does not exist.

Inner, Left, and Right join have existed in basic ANSI Standard SQL
since 1992. See ISO/IEC 9075:1992, "Information Technology ---
Database Languages --- SQL" or ANSI X3.135-1992, "Database Language
is there a similar way to have the same result using just conditions in the
clause Where?

No; if you mean the 1970's style ORACLE (+) syntax, it's not supported
in Access (or by anyone else other than Oracle, to my knowledge).
I do handel it but I want to be independent from the Sql version of MS!!

Would you settle for using the 1992 ANSI Standard of SQL?

It uses LEFT and RIGHT and INNER joins.

If you want to use a twelve years out of date standard, I'm not sure
where you'll need to go to get it. See my reply in this thread.