I have a Canon IP3000, about a year old. When I use photo quality paper
(satin) it deposits black in at the edges of the paper (as much on the side
of the paper as on the face), one bit either side, about half an inch along
the long axis, at both ends of the long axis of the paper. And it leaves an
inky mess on the face also, just above what would be the letterhead zone (at
both ends) on a sheet of A4. When I use double-sided matt paper I get just
the mess, and at one end. When I use ordinary paper it doesn't make these
I have tried the printer's cleaning process and have also put watercolour
paper soaked in isopropyl alcohol through the region where the brushes and
rollers are, and the brushes seem to have gathered a fair bit of surplus ink
which comes out onto the watercolour paper, but the problem doesn't seem to
get all that much better.
Is there anything I can do?
Have wasted heaps of photo paper and ink.
(satin) it deposits black in at the edges of the paper (as much on the side
of the paper as on the face), one bit either side, about half an inch along
the long axis, at both ends of the long axis of the paper. And it leaves an
inky mess on the face also, just above what would be the letterhead zone (at
both ends) on a sheet of A4. When I use double-sided matt paper I get just
the mess, and at one end. When I use ordinary paper it doesn't make these
I have tried the printer's cleaning process and have also put watercolour
paper soaked in isopropyl alcohol through the region where the brushes and
rollers are, and the brushes seem to have gathered a fair bit of surplus ink
which comes out onto the watercolour paper, but the problem doesn't seem to
get all that much better.
Is there anything I can do?
Have wasted heaps of photo paper and ink.