Can anybody help me, i'm trying to initialise text boxes
which i have placed in a slide and i want these boxes to
be initalised every time someone starts up the show, is
there anyway to do this in VB?
In VBA, yes, as part of an add-in. Not sure of VB.
This would require that an addin be installed on the machine doing the
playback, and that the playback be done in PPT, not the viewer.
A simpler alternate would be to include a first slide that's a menu or
introduction and on it put a "Start Show" or "Next" button (or "On with the
show" or "Get DOWN!" ... label it whatever you like, of course). The button's
action setting would trigger a macro that initializes the text on slide 2 (or
elsewhere in the presentation) and then advance to slide 2.
Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA