W WASTHEBEST Sep 14, 2004 #1 Classes: -A -AB If AB inherits A, then is it correct you cannot do the following: AB = A ?
M Morten Wennevik Sep 14, 2004 #2 Hi WASTHEBEST, If I understand what you mean, no you can't do the following A a = new A(); AB ab = new AB(); ab = a; // won't work as you can only reference children // or interfaces of AB, or AB itself a = ab; // works, because AB is a "child" of A
Hi WASTHEBEST, If I understand what you mean, no you can't do the following A a = new A(); AB ab = new AB(); ab = a; // won't work as you can only reference children // or interfaces of AB, or AB itself a = ab; // works, because AB is a "child" of A
W WASTHEBEST Sep 14, 2004 #4 Thanks for your reply Morten Wennevik, I was eager for one. I posted the same quest at GotDotNet, and I found a solution, to making AB = A achievable, through a poster. Here is the link (forum subject: Iheritance) http://gotdotnet.com/Community/MessageBoard/Thread.aspx?id=262781&Page=1#262953
Thanks for your reply Morten Wennevik, I was eager for one. I posted the same quest at GotDotNet, and I found a solution, to making AB = A achievable, through a poster. Here is the link (forum subject: Iheritance) http://gotdotnet.com/Community/MessageBoard/Thread.aspx?id=262781&Page=1#262953