inheritance and reflection

  • Thread starter Thread starter Michael Dybevick
  • Start date Start date

Michael Dybevick

In the Can You Even Do This department:

What do I substitute for the YadaYada in order to get the
Debug.WriteLine statement to write the string "LayerEHIS" ?

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace Layer
class classMain
static void Main(string[] args)

abstract class Layer
internal static string NAME
return System.Reflection.YadaYada;

class LayerEHIS : Layer
Michael Dybevick said:
In the Can You Even Do This department:

What do I substitute for the YadaYada in order to get the
Debug.WriteLine statement to write the string "LayerEHIS" ?
abstract class Layer
internal static string NAME
return this.GetType().Name();

In the Can You Even Do This department:

What do I substitute for the YadaYada in order to get the
Debug.WriteLine statement to write the string "LayerEHIS" ?

If NAME had been an instance property and you called it on a LayerEHIS
instance, you would use

return this.GetType().Name;

But since NAME is static, there's no relation between it and the
LayerEHIS class.

But since NAME is static, there's no relation between it and the
LayerEHIS class.

Right. I know that code is laid down before any derived classes are created,
but is there no mechanism for the runtime to be made aware that the call is
coming via a reference from a derived class? Or does any trace of that
dissappear after the compiler gets through figuring things out?
Michael Dybevick said:
Right. I know that code is laid down before any derived classes are created,
but is there no mechanism for the runtime to be made aware that the call is
coming via a reference from a derived class? Or does any trace of that
dissappear after the compiler gets through figuring things out?

All trace is removed. For example, compile:

using System;

class Test
static void Main()

class Foo : Test

The IL for Main ends up as:

..method private hidebysig static void Main() cil managed
// Code size 6 (0x6)
.maxstack 0
IL_0000: call void Test::Main()
IL_0005: ret
} // end of method Test::Main