I live in an area where we only have modem access to the internet, thus I do
not stay connected at all times because it is also my phone line. When I
wish to connect to my ISP a "Connect" popup screen opens and asks for user
name and password. Should the network connection go down while I am on the
internet, the Connect screen will pop up automatically (if the setting is
Manual, or it will try to connect without asking if it is set to automatic -
I have it set to Manual because with a modem, automatic setting causes the
computer to try to connect while I am on the phone talking to someone, and we
get an earful of squeals and electronic chatter. Definitely NOT pleasant.).
If I am typing an email and this screen opens, my next keystrokes delete my
user name and password. This is especially infuriating if my next key strokes
include "Enter" for that destroys the "Save this password" setting and I have
to reenter everything. I have a 24 letter user name and an 18 digit random
password that changes every two months (meaning I don't memorize it), and,
needless to say, I don't appreciate having to do this each time this happens.
So my questions are:
Does anyone know how to get to the Connect screen to change the "default
cursor position upon opening"? This would allow the screen to pop up but not
have the cursor positioned on username, and this would be the best solution
to my problem for there are difficulties with any other solutions below.
Or, is there some way to make this "Connect" screen pop up ONLY on my
command, rather than when the Remote Access Auto Connect Manager detects a
lack of internet? (XP only allows for "manual or automatic" connecting to the
internet. And I do NOT want to disable the RCAAM.)
Another alternative: is there a way to have a connect screen that does not
require any entry (other than OK/Enter), especially since I have checked
"Save this password". (It is a pity that that isn't an automatic change
precipitated by one's checking "Save this password".)
Thanks for your help
not stay connected at all times because it is also my phone line. When I
wish to connect to my ISP a "Connect" popup screen opens and asks for user
name and password. Should the network connection go down while I am on the
internet, the Connect screen will pop up automatically (if the setting is
Manual, or it will try to connect without asking if it is set to automatic -
I have it set to Manual because with a modem, automatic setting causes the
computer to try to connect while I am on the phone talking to someone, and we
get an earful of squeals and electronic chatter. Definitely NOT pleasant.).
If I am typing an email and this screen opens, my next keystrokes delete my
user name and password. This is especially infuriating if my next key strokes
include "Enter" for that destroys the "Save this password" setting and I have
to reenter everything. I have a 24 letter user name and an 18 digit random
password that changes every two months (meaning I don't memorize it), and,
needless to say, I don't appreciate having to do this each time this happens.
So my questions are:
Does anyone know how to get to the Connect screen to change the "default
cursor position upon opening"? This would allow the screen to pop up but not
have the cursor positioned on username, and this would be the best solution
to my problem for there are difficulties with any other solutions below.
Or, is there some way to make this "Connect" screen pop up ONLY on my
command, rather than when the Remote Access Auto Connect Manager detects a
lack of internet? (XP only allows for "manual or automatic" connecting to the
internet. And I do NOT want to disable the RCAAM.)
Another alternative: is there a way to have a connect screen that does not
require any entry (other than OK/Enter), especially since I have checked
"Save this password". (It is a pity that that isn't an automatic change
precipitated by one's checking "Save this password".)
Thanks for your help