Infragistics Ultragrid Summaries Display Format

  • Thread starter Thread starter Roberto Barrantes
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Roberto Barrantes

I am trying to format the summarie band as a numeric field or currency but
I don't know what string I need to entered in the displayformat.
I tried "###,###,###", "c","999,999" and did not work.

I tried to get the value to use format() function but I cann't find it.

oBand.Summaries(intRecno).DisplayFormat = "c"

Please help me
Here is a snipped from working code.
SummarySettings ttl = bnd0.Summaries.Add("ClinCostTotal",
SummaryType.Custom, new ClinCostSummary(),
cols0["Cost"], SummaryPosition.UseSummaryPositionColumn,
ttl.DisplayFormat = "{0:$##,##0.00#}";
ttl.Appearance.TextHAlign = Infragistics.Win.HAlign.Right;
The DisplayFormat is just the equivalent of a String.Format format argument.

You can also get these question on Infragistics answered at in the infragistics.dotnet.wingrid newsgroup.

Ron Allen