To pass data from one page to another is just like passing a ball from one
person to another. How many ways are there to do that? Basically, there are
2 ways, and lots of versions of those 2:
A. Pass it directly.
B. Pass it to something that the other person (or Page) can get it from.
In your message, you mention several mechanisms, all of which fall into one
of those 2 categories:
1. Form Post - A
2. QueryString - A
3. Session - B
4. Application - B
So, the real question is, how many methods of passing information directly
from one page to another are there, and how many storage mechanisms are
there that can be used by both pages? The answer is, quite a few in the
second case. For example, for passing directly, you have form, querystring,
and JavaScript (on the client side), plus a few more client-side
technologies. For storage mediums you have Session, Application, Application
Cache, Cookies, JavaScript files, database, text files, services, System
Registry, and whatever else you can imagine that stores data either in
memory or on disk.
Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.