John Navas
Antispyware definition version: 1.35.716.0
Antispyware definition created on: 2008-24-06 01:58:38 PST
This update will fail regardless of how you try to install it:
* Windows Defender direct update error 0x80070643
* Windows Update error 0x80508007
* Manual update from <http://support.microsoft.com/kb/923159/>
runs but does nothing
Problem reproduced by many people on many machines.
Antispyware definition created on: 2008-24-06 01:58:38 PST
This update will fail regardless of how you try to install it:
* Windows Defender direct update error 0x80070643
* Windows Update error 0x80508007
* Manual update from <http://support.microsoft.com/kb/923159/>
runs but does nothing
Problem reproduced by many people on many machines.