Info on windows based clustering?

  • Thread starter Thread starter gothika
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Anyone know of a site with instructions on clustering windows based
I don't want to go Beowulf or change platforms/OS's.
I'm running win2kpro and want to cluster a few computers to speed up
my video editing.(Main unit will be a Athalon 1.2 gig system with 1
gig ram with the nodes being a celeron 650 and a couple of other
athalon 1 gig motherboards)
Anyone know where I might go for the how too's and the software?
gothika said:
Anyone know of a site with instructions on clustering windows based
I don't want to go Beowulf or change platforms/OS's.
I'm running win2kpro and want to cluster a few computers to speed up
my video editing.(Main unit will be a Athalon 1.2 gig system with 1
gig ram with the nodes being a celeron 650 and a couple of other
athalon 1 gig motherboards)
Anyone know where I might go for the how too's and the software?

before you get too far...does your application even support using multiple
processors? those beowulf clusters really only work for very specific
philo said:
I'm running win2kpro and want to cluster a few computers to speed up
my video editing.(Main unit will be a Athalon 1.2 gig system with 1
gig ram with the nodes being a celeron 650 and a couple of other

before you get too far...does your application even support using
multiple processors? those beowulf clusters really only work for very
specific tasks

i agree. the original poster could google for "mpi on windows" to get some
clustering info, it is unlikely to work with the average video editing

if you can find a video editing (as opposed to rendering*) program that uses
multiple nodes, it would be best to start at that end, and see what hardware
and software they (the makers of the editor) recommend.

* - google "windows render farm" for this

btw, this got me looking, and it is interesting to see The Internet Movie
Project still ticking along:
Socks said:
philo said:
I'm running win2kpro and want to cluster a few computers to speed up
my video editing.(Main unit will be a Athalon 1.2 gig system with 1
gig ram with the nodes being a celeron 650 and a couple of other

before you get too far...does your application even support using
multiple processors? those beowulf clusters really only work for very
specific tasks

i agree. the original poster could google for "mpi on windows" to get some
clustering info, it is unlikely to work with the average video editing

if you can find a video editing (as opposed to rendering*) program that uses
multiple nodes, it would be best to start at that end, and see what hardware
and software they (the makers of the editor) recommend.

* - google "windows render farm" for this

btw, this got me looking, and it is interesting to see The Internet Movie
Project still ticking along:

If the software does support multiple cpu's I think I;d just get a dual cpu

or maybe wait until there is 64bit video editing softeware\
then go with a 64 bit cpu

however I think it's an interesting proposal...
just one a bit over my head!
I'll be doing video editing.
I've seen several pre-built clusters that were just for that use.
Kinda defeats the whole concept of DIY tho' especially when the
cheapest went for about seven grand.
I don't have any illusion about building one to match these off the
shelf model in speed but I have several machines laying around
collecting dust that would be ideal and if load balanced well should
speed up my editing substantially.(currently have to walk away for
hours once I hit the final edit button.)
I've seen the 0$ units built as university projects that used much
older components(some used dx4's or even 386's) that clocked better
speeds than my current 1.2 gig thunderbird.
I dug around in a back storage room and found a few more units, 3
super PII's and a couple more celeron mobo's.
I also have a ton of ethernet and LAN harware, most new in the box and
never used also come DSL cable routers and acouple of spools of cat5
and some junction boards.
All this stuff is high end commercial and it's just sitting around
collecting dust.(Stuff I've either bought for when I finally reopen
our businesses or things I've horse traded.)
Seems a shame to let it just sit idle.
I know I have enough to build a fairly decent cluster, tho' I have no
illusions that'll it'll be a fairly intensive learning process.
I worked on state of the art Avionics in the service.
How hard can clustering be compared to that?
I have the mechanical knowhow to build some pretty sophisticated
I just need some tutoring by some of you out there that have more up
to date knowledge to get me up to speed.(I'm in my fifties and the
last time I sat in an electronics classroom was in the early 80's.)
I'd try local sources but the few computer shops around this backwoods
town are extremely shut-mouth about offering info on anything.
They're to busy screwing the locals by selling them out-dated
over-priced pc's.
Like I said most of what I've seen on the web on clusters deal with
Linux platforms or win2003 systems.
All the current applicationns I'm using are for win2kpro and I'm
comfortable with 2000 as it has none of the issues associated with XP
and 2003 inregards to all the copyright protection features Bill
loaded them with.(I have a friend who bought an XP video system and
it's a crap shoot whenever he goes to final burn on most of his DVD
project. The copyright protection will kick in and shut his burner
down about half the time.)
I'm sure that I'll have to invest in new video editing software
that'll work with mutliple processing but that's a small thing
compared to having to purchase a much larger machine or a pre-built
cluster just to get a little more speed.
Thanks again for responding.
Would you please help an old dinosaur out and educate me on this?
Thanks again.
I'm not involved with the Internet Movie project but know some
youngsters that are.
From what they tell me it's still going strong and gaining all the
I'm all for it.
Way past time for newe and more diverse media and markets places.
We are all pretty sick of the "mainstream" aren't we?

There are programs for video editing that support the use of multiple
proccessors. I'll be looking at that aspect once I get the cluster on
the bench.
From what I've read and seen on various shows video-editing is the #1
thing clusters are used for outside of the academic/hard science
So it shouldn't be hard to find a software application that'll support
I do know that my current app, Pinnacle dv studio will run on dual
chip boards.(It comes as part of the software package on most highend
dual-chip desktop editors.)
I'm a DIY'er and like the idea of 0$ cost, ideal since I have a whole
storage room of computers and network hardware lying around.
Anything more you can tell me would be appreciated.
philo said:
I'm running win2kpro and want to cluster a few computers to speed up
my video editing.(Main unit will be a Athalon 1.2 gig system with 1
gig ram with the nodes being a celeron 650 and a couple of other

before you get too far...does your application even support using
multiple processors? those beowulf clusters really only work for very
specific tasks

i agree. the original poster could google for "mpi on windows" to get some
clustering info, it is unlikely to work with the average video editing

if you can find a video editing (as opposed to rendering*) program that uses
multiple nodes, it would be best to start at that end, and see what hardware
and software they (the makers of the editor) recommend.

* - google "windows render farm" for this

btw, this got me looking, and it is interesting to see The Internet Movie
Project still ticking along:
gothika said:
I'll be doing video editing.
I've seen several pre-built clusters that were just for that use.
Kinda defeats the whole concept of DIY tho' especially when the
cheapest went for about seven grand.
I don't have any illusion about building one to match these off the
shelf model in speed but I have several machines laying around
collecting dust that would be ideal and if load balanced well should
speed up my editing substantially.(currently have to walk away for
hours once I hit the final edit button.)
I've seen the 0$ units built as university projects that used much
older components(some used dx4's or even 386's) that clocked better
speeds than my current 1.2 gig thunderbird.
I dug around in a back storage room and found a few more units, 3
super PII's and a couple more celeron mobo's.
I also have a ton of ethernet and LAN harware, most new in the box and
never used also come DSL cable routers and acouple of spools of cat5
and some junction boards.
All this stuff is high end commercial and it's just sitting around
collecting dust.(Stuff I've either bought for when I finally reopen
our businesses or things I've horse traded.)
Seems a shame to let it just sit idle.
I know I have enough to build a fairly decent cluster, tho' I have no
illusions that'll it'll be a fairly intensive learning process.
I worked on state of the art Avionics in the service.
How hard can clustering be compared to that?
I have the mechanical knowhow to build some pretty sophisticated
I just need some tutoring by some of you out there that have more up
to date knowledge to get me up to speed.(I'm in my fifties and the
last time I sat in an electronics classroom was in the early 80's.)
I'd try local sources but the few computer shops around this backwoods
town are extremely shut-mouth about offering info on anything.
They're to busy screwing the locals by selling them out-dated
over-priced pc's.
Like I said most of what I've seen on the web on clusters deal with
Linux platforms or win2003 systems.
All the current applicationns I'm using are for win2kpro and I'm
comfortable with 2000 as it has none of the issues associated with XP
and 2003 inregards to all the copyright protection features Bill
loaded them with.(I have a friend who bought an XP video system and
it's a crap shoot whenever he goes to final burn on most of his DVD
project. The copyright protection will kick in and shut his burner
down about half the time.)
I'm sure that I'll have to invest in new video editing software
that'll work with mutliple processing but that's a small thing
compared to having to purchase a much larger machine or a pre-built
cluster just to get a little more speed.
Thanks again for responding.
Would you please help an old dinosaur out and educate me on this?
Thanks again.