Where did you get that idea?
From a msg by Paul-B posted last Oct, that's why I suggested
Also a 15 Feb msg about Stinger stated:
"This version of Stinger includes detection for all known variants,
as of January 28, 2004:
BackDoor-AQJ Bat/Mumu.worm Exploit-DcomRpc
IPCScan IRC/Flood.ap IRC/Flood.bi
IRC/Flood.cd NTServiceLoader PWS-Narod
PWS-Sincom W32/Bagle@MM W32/Bugbear@MM
W32/Deborm.worm.gen W32/Dfcsvc.worm W32/Dumaru@MM
W32/Elkern.cav W32/Fizzer.gen@MM W32/FunLove
W32/Klez W32/Lirva W32/Lovgate
W32/Lovsan.worm W32/Mimail@MM W32/MoFei.worm
W32/Mumu.b.worm W32/MyDoom@MM W32/Nachi.worm
W32/Nimda W32/Pate W32/Sdbot.worm.gen
W32/Sober@MM W32/SirCam@MM W32/Sobig
W32/SQLSlammer.worm W32/Swen@MM W32/Yaha@MM"
So assuming Stinger is kept pretty well up-to-date, it had
a worthwhile chance of being beneficial but I haven't used it.
If you check the page, you'll see stinger removes
about forty specific viruses and trojans. It does include 3 versions of irc/flood,
which may work for Rollandb, but may not. Backdoor is a generic term, for any
virus or trojan that allows your computer to be controlled remotely.
I'd suggest running an online scan at
http://www.ravantivirus.com, or housecall,
and see what they call it.
Regards, Dave Hodgins
Thanks for the additional info. I have added your comment to
those older msg files. Between your two recommended sites
and/or Stinger, hopefully their problem may be cleared up.