Influence of a Video Card at "Terminal Server" Performace

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vincent
  • Start date Start date


A video card can make big influence at a Teminal
Server ?
Is the "bitmaps" generated by the Video Card or By the
Operation System before send to the remote users ?
If a use a top Vide card i will have big difference
at users responses ? Or a simple video card with little
memory is adequate to this ?
Any help is apprecieted

Vincent -

The graphics data sent from the server to the client in a TS session
is generated 'by the operating system' rather than 'by the video
card'. Thus it does not matter what video card is installed on the

A video card can make big influence at a Teminal
Server ?
Is the "bitmaps" generated by the Video Card or By the
Operation System before send to the remote users ?
If a use a top Vide card i will have big difference
at users responses ? Or a simple video card with little
memory is adequate to this ?
Any help is apprecieted


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