Should I use two tables related one-to-many with lots of duplicate
data? Or should I reduce redundancy into a single 100+ field table?
And could I break that 100+ field table into two tables, related
The goal is to store Samples and their analysis Results. The Samples
table contains information about each sample that was collected. Lab
analysis generates a spreadsheet of results for each sample. The sheet
has 7 information fields and 1 result field for 35 parameters (one
parameter per row); a 35Rx8C sheet.
This looks like a two-table one-to-many design, but seems inefficient.
The information fields contain the same data for most, but not all
parameters (records/rows); some need unique information data. To begin
entering result data, my Access form would need to allocate 35 records
and prepopulate many of their fields. Or is there another way?
To reduce duplicate data, I've designed a table which stores the entire
sheet on one row. I've grouped similar parameters to share similar
data, leaving VB to reassemble the 35x8 table upon TXT output, which
saved almost 150 cells of data. This design gives me Samples and
Results tables in a one-to-one relationship, which seems pointless
(though tidy). I could combine them to one table with 100+ fields, but
is that too bulky? And is that bad design since Samples and Results
contain somewhat different types of information?
Or is there an entirelly different way to store this information?
Thanks for your input.
data? Or should I reduce redundancy into a single 100+ field table?
And could I break that 100+ field table into two tables, related
The goal is to store Samples and their analysis Results. The Samples
table contains information about each sample that was collected. Lab
analysis generates a spreadsheet of results for each sample. The sheet
has 7 information fields and 1 result field for 35 parameters (one
parameter per row); a 35Rx8C sheet.
This looks like a two-table one-to-many design, but seems inefficient.
The information fields contain the same data for most, but not all
parameters (records/rows); some need unique information data. To begin
entering result data, my Access form would need to allocate 35 records
and prepopulate many of their fields. Or is there another way?
To reduce duplicate data, I've designed a table which stores the entire
sheet on one row. I've grouped similar parameters to share similar
data, leaving VB to reassemble the 35x8 table upon TXT output, which
saved almost 150 cells of data. This design gives me Samples and
Results tables in a one-to-one relationship, which seems pointless
(though tidy). I could combine them to one table with 100+ fields, but
is that too bulky? And is that bad design since Samples and Results
contain somewhat different types of information?
Or is there an entirelly different way to store this information?
Thanks for your input.