Index/Unique Identifiers

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I'd like to get some feedback on preferred practices for indexes on
databases, and their use outside the database.

The situation I am trying to address is this. I have a set of XML documents
that I want to have hold collections of indexes that will be used to make
calls to a web service to gather current details on the topic the index
refers to in the database. I've always been fond of the use of unique
identifiers (GUIDs) for table indexes, and while the calls to the web
service will be secure, encrypted, & signed, I am hesitant to use the GUIDs
in this manner.

What security considerations do I need to be aware of in this design? What
recommendations would you offer?
I see no major problem. If you are concerned about someone compromising your
system, encrypt the actual strings and store the encrypt String and IV far
away from the data (XML).

There is also no reason you cannot store the XML where it cannot easily be
compromised, for further security.


Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!