Index server (W2K) doesn't index PPT files

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tony Cooke
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Tony Cooke

Hi all.

I was under the assumption that Index server that comes
with Windows 2000 was able to index office products
including Powerpoint. It successfully indexes Word and
Excel (and with plugins PDF and RTF) but it seems to not
be able to index powerpoint.

Has anyone had this problem?
Does anyone have a solution?

Thanks in advance for any help.

All the best,
This is the most complete discussion I could find in a quick google search:

It says that Index Server should handle PPT files by default but perhaps
there are registration settings that cause it to fail on your site? Check
what the article has to say, at any rate.

A similar question comes up often in Acrobat/PDF forums re text
If there's no text content in the source doc (ie, it's made up of just
scanned documents that *look* like text but are actually just pictures of
it) then searching/indexing isn't possible w/o prior OCR work.

A PowerPoint search might also locate the text in PowerPoint itself but not
in OLE objects (charts, pasted content from Word/Excel/Etc, graphics). It
might also only index outline text (ie, text in placeholders) but not text
placed randomly on teh page with the text tool.

A few well-chosen sample slides constructed for the purpose could test this


Steve Rindsberg PPT MVP
PPTLive ( ) Featured Speaker
Hi Steve.

Thanks for the reply.

It's all actually kinda weird. Vanilla presentations (ie. just putting text
in placeholders, no graphics, no embedded multimedia) seems to be indexed
fine but if the presentation has any sort of graphics, or embedded
multimedia it doesn't index them.

The text is in the placeholders in both instances but not indexed if it
isn't vanilla.

Thanks for your help.

One more question... what is the version of Offfilt.dll that is supposed to
be used for Powerpoint 2000 presentations? What difference does that make?
(ie. what is the difference between versions)

All the best,
It's all actually kinda weird. Vanilla presentations (ie. just putting
in placeholders, no graphics, no embedded multimedia) seems to be indexed
fine but if the presentation has any sort of graphics, or embedded
multimedia it doesn't index them.

Ah. That makes much more sense. The indexing service is able to extract
and index PowerPoint text, then, but text within embedded objects like
multimedia "belongs to" the application that created the object. PPT just
tosses it out there and says "Yo. Play this."

As to graphics, if they contain text and not bitmap pictures of text, then
ungrouping them will convert them to PPT objects. Otherwise, PPT doesn't
see the text in them either.

So ... not the answer you wanted, but at least one that makes a great deal
more sense than before!
One more question... what is the version of Offfilt.dll that is supposed to
be used for Powerpoint 2000 presentations? What difference does that make?
(ie. what is the difference between versions)

You've Won This Round of Stump The Chump. Let's see what you've won ...
I'll turn the microphone over to my lovely assistant who ... now where'd she
get off to this time?

Ah well. No assistant, no prize. Sorry ...

Seriously, I don't have a clue, but plug offfilt.dll into Google - you'll be
amazed at the number of hits.
It's all actually kinda weird. Vanilla presentations (ie. just putting

Ah. That makes much more sense. The indexing service is able to extract
and index PowerPoint text, then, but text within embedded objects like
multimedia "belongs to" the application that created the object. PPT just
tosses it out there and says "Yo. Play this."

Ah. Nope. I didn't explain it right.

What I meant to say was that the text is still in placeholders (so not
graphic or multimedia) but Index Server still doesn't parse them.

Remove the graphics, leaving the placeholders containing the text and Index
Server does parse them.

As I said... kinda weird! :-)

Thanks again for your reply.
Ah. Nope. I didn't explain it right.
What I meant to say was that the text is still in placeholders (so not
graphic or multimedia) but Index Server still doesn't parse them.

Remove the graphics, leaving the placeholders containing the text and Index
Server does parse them.

So if there are graphics, Index Server ignores the normal PPT text?

As I said... kinda weird! :-)

Intensely so. Well. If you rummage around this news server, I'm sure
you'll find groups dedicated to IIS - it might be a good bet to ask there as
well (and if you find an answer, could you let us know?)