Index / Lookup query


Richard Buttrey

This is a slight variation of my question yesterday

I have a table G7:AK23 (31 columns, one for each day of the month)
containing a mixture of nulls, zeros and numbers (positive and

G5:AK5 contain date numbers

In A7:A23 e.g. say A7, I want a formula which finds the first value,
(pos or neg) in G7:AK7 which is not zero or null, and returns the date
from row 5 of the column which contains this first value.

I'm sure some combination of Match and Index is probably a solution,
but Im struggling to find a solution.

Usual TIA.

Richard Buttrey
Grappenhall, Cheshire, UK

Tom Ogilvy


Entered in A7 with Ctrl+Shift+Enter since it is an array formula.

Richard Buttrey


Thanks again Tom.

Perfect answer as usual.

Richard Buttrey
Grappenhall, Cheshire, UK

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