Incrementing AutoNumber to by 2

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jen
  • Start date Start date


I am creating a form used by 2 different people, on 2
seperate pc's. For the sake of separating their work one
will have Invoice numbers that are even, the other will
have odd.
In my form how do I increment my starting value by 1 for
one user and by 2 for the other user?

Thanks in advance.
You can't. Autonumbers offer no way for you to manipulate them.

If you want to do something like this, you'll have to devise your own way to
generate the ID numbers, not using Autonumbers.
Thanks Doug. I figured I am going to change invoice #'s
for each user. One will use 400,000's and other will use
100,000's. Only question now is how to change the initial
AutoNumber value. I used the help assistant with the
program and I did something wrong because it didn't work.
Even if you assign different ranges of invoice numbers to each user, Autonumber is still not the best
usage for an Invoice number because once the entry of the record begins, autonumber sequence is
incremented by 1. If the record is abandoned before completion, there will be a gap in the invoice
numbers. You should follow Dougs suggestion and devise your own methodology for incrementing invoice
numbers. Good practice is to never use Autonumber values for any Real World meaning. They are generally
used within the context of an ID column to link tables.