Increasing the height of a section in a report in Access

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Is there any way of increasing the 22 inch report length in Access? I am
trying to design a report containing information which runs to three sides of
A4 per record, but I've only be able to design the first two pages as the
last one is over the prescribed length. I have over 300 records and they need
to be printed sequentially so printing two separate reports and then joining
them will prove very time consuming (lots of manual sorting once printed

Any help much appreciated...
No. You cannot increase the section height.

Normally, a report prints the Detail section for every record. So if you
have 300 records to print, you don't have to set up a section tall enough
for 300 records; you just need the Detail section tall enough for one
record, and Access prints it 300 times.

If you do need more vertical height, you can achieve that through the
sorting and grouping dialog. In report design view, you open the dialog
through the View menu. Choose the primary key field, and in the lower pane
of the dialog set Yes for the Header and the Footer. This gives you 2 new
records on the report. You now have 3 sections - the group header, Detail
and group footer - and each one can be 22 inches. And since Access prints
these sections based on the primary key for every record, no now have 6
pages of height at your disposal.
Cheers Allen - I'll give this a go. The detail section is actually 3 pages
long itself (so when I print there are in fact 300 x 3 = 900 pages), so the
sorting and grouping option sounds like it will do the job.

Many thanks for your swift reply - I'm working to a deadline so the quick
response is much appreciated!

I think I have a similiar issue.
My detail is 3 pages long for each record, however it is a questionaire type
output. I am having trouble imagine how I can group and sort. It is truely
just memos and drop downs populated from a form. Each record is for a
different employee, which will be printed one at a time (the 3 pages) on

Any creative ideas?