Increasing Screen Resolution, No Significant benefit

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Abraham
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John Abraham

Hi All,
What is the use/benefit of increasing the Screen Resolution? After
increasing the resolution you get small icons and fonts. And to increase the
size of icons and fonts you have to increase the Dpi settings. And finally
you reach to the earlier phase/stage + minor changes.

I could be easily wrong and I am new to the Screen Resolution Change, so
please be gentle.

John said:
Hi All,
What is the use/benefit of increasing the Screen Resolution? After
increasing the resolution you get small icons and fonts. And to
increase the size of icons and fonts you have to increase the Dpi
settings. And finally you reach to the earlier phase/stage + minor
I could be easily wrong and I am new to the Screen Resolution Change,
so please be gentle.

The benefit of increasing screen resolution is that it gives you more screen
real estate--it lets you have more on the screen at once. You can have more
open windows, or show more in any given window. For example, you can show
more rows and columns in a spreadsheet.

As you say, that extra real estate comes at the cost of making everything
smaller. So, as a general rule, you need to have a larger monitor to have
greater resolution. In fact, this is the main value of having a larger
monitor: it lets you increase the resolution and get more screen real estate
without making everything too small to see.

But as always, it's a tradeoff--in this case between more and bigger. For
*my* eyes, I like to run 15" monitors at 800x600, 17" monitors at 1024x768,
and 19" monitors at 1280x1024. You have to decide what's best for you..
Hi All,
What is the use/benefit of increasing the Screen Resolution? After
increasing the resolution you get small icons and fonts. And to
increase the size of icons and fonts you have to increase the Dpi
settings. And finally you reach to the earlier phase/stage + minor

I could be easily wrong and I am new to the Screen Resolution Change,
so please be gentle.


Hi John,

I've found it always best on the eyes to run the highest resolution your
adapter/monitor can handle well.

My CRT is a 17" and I use 1280 x 1024.

The higher resolution, the better the fonts, graphics, and icons look.
Everything actually.

After increasing the resolution, it's best not to increase the size of
everything by changing the DPI. Many, many programs will not display
properly with a non-default DPI settng. This is a programming issue and
mostly affects the display of fonts.

The more correct way to resize everything is in the 'Display
Properties' -> 'Appearance' -> 'Advanced' button dialog. Here you can
change the size of the individual visual components. Look in the drop-
down box for the icons and icon font. All of the geometry of the display
can be changed here.

Doing it this way, you will get better results than just changing the DPI
setting. Should take less than 10 minutes to change everything.
Definately worth it IMO.

(Oops....Sabres game on !!)

Good luck,
