Increasing Month only in formula

  • Thread starter Thread starter Malla
  • Start date Start date


Kindly i need help on below:

i have a formula as "=Jan!G$2" in Cell "A1", i'm looking to have "=Feb!G$2"
in Cell "A2" and "=Mar!G$2" in Cell "A3" and so on by simple dragging.
is that possible?
Kindly i need help on below:

i have a formula as "=Jan!G$2" in Cell "A1", i'm looking to have "=Feb!G$2"
in Cell "A2" and "=Mar!G$2" in Cell "A3" and so on by simple dragging.
is that possible?

If I understand you correctly, try:


and drag right to L1

Yes and no. You will have to add a helper column with Jan, Feb, Mar, ... in
the cells.
Assuming that is in Cell B2, B3, ... then in A2 use the formula

=indirect(b2 & "!G2")
And drag down. Note that this formulas has a surprising amount of overhead
to it so if you have thousands of these you will notice taht you spread sheet
calculates slowly.
If I understand you correctly, try:


and drag right to L1


Sorry, I first thought you were filling columns.

Make this change:


then fill down to A12.