Increasing Bit rate and FPS

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How can you? it won't let me. I need it to go more than 30 frames to make
it look smoother, but it wont go any higher. and i can't in crease the bit
rate. help!
Gwen said:
How can you? it won't let me. I need it to go more than 30 frames
to make it look smoother, but it wont go any higher. and i can't in
crease the bit rate. help!
Might be worth a try to use the
'Speed Up Double' Effect. You
can add up to 6 instances of it.


John Inzer
MS Picture It! -
Digital Image MVP

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never mind, i found it, and it made it speed up and everything sounds like
Alvin and the chipmunks. I guess what i need is to increase the frames per
Gwen said:
never mind, i found it, and it made it speed up and everything sounds
like Alvin and the chipmunks. I guess what i need is to increase the
frames per second.
Sorry...I thought it was worth a try.

Hopefully someone else will provide the answer.


John Inzer
MS Picture It! -
Digital Image MVP

Digital Image
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This will be a problem with the way it was recorded.
Can you let us know what you used to record the video and what format it was
recorded in and what file type you captured as.
Std ntsc video is 30 frames per second, if you increase this, as John said,
then both sound and video will go faster.
You can increase the speed and then drop the audio on to the audio track of
the timeline, but doubling the speed of the video will make it only half as
long, so the audio, will sound right but be out of sync and last twice as
long as the video.
Format is NTSC
Aspect 4:3

Graham Hughes said:
This will be a problem with the way it was recorded.
Can you let us know what you used to record the video and what format it was
recorded in and what file type you captured as.
Std ntsc video is 30 frames per second, if you increase this, as John said,
then both sound and video will go faster.
You can increase the speed and then drop the audio on to the audio track of
the timeline, but doubling the speed of the video will make it only half as
long, so the audio, will sound right but be out of sync and last twice as
long as the video.


Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media
How is the dazzle connected to your pc?
What sort of cables?
When you capture as a wmv what settings are you choosing?
What is the original video recording on the vhs tape like? Does it play fine
on the vhs when played on the tv?

Also, WMM only shows you a low resolution preview which is every other
frame. If you add transitions and/or effects to it then it will show less
frames in order to show you hte movie in real time. To test if all is ok,
save the move from MM as a high quality wmv file and play it in media
player - what does it look like?
It uses RCA audio and video cables to connect from the VCR to the Dazzle.
And it uses a USB port go connect from Dazzle to my comp.

and the video plays great on my tv.
The dazzle should have come with pinnacle studio software, have you
installed this?
If not I would an I'd suggest using this, as MM does not work well with USB
and you will have to capture as a wmv file, which might be highly

When you got to the save movie part, what wmv file type did you choose?
it does, but i dont have enough RAM to run it. Looks like I'll have to buy
more memory to do it.