Increased filesizes using Word 2003 compared to prior versions

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Can someone please provide an explanation of why saving word documents using
word 2003 increases the file size by 80% of the original size (from word 2000
or XP). For instance i had a file that was roughly 500kb that was saved
using word 2000. When i opened the file up with Word 2003 and clicked the
save button, the file ballooned to 975kb. Is there anything that i can turn
off to prevent this increase? I've already tried shutting off smart tags and
anything else i could find but have found no solution thus far. Any help
would be greatly appreciated.
Hi =?Utf-8?B?U1NQ?=,
Can someone please provide an explanation of why saving word documents using
word 2003 increases the file size by 80% of the original size (from word 2000
or XP). For instance i had a file that was roughly 500kb that was saved
using word 2000. When i opened the file up with Word 2003 and clicked the
save button, the file ballooned to 975kb. Is there anything that i can turn
off to prevent this increase?
The file size of documents created in a newer version will generally be larger,
because more information needs to be stored in the document. This does seem a
bit extreme, however :-)

Often, the reason for something like this is some kind of damage in the binary
file structures that manage the document layout/formatting. Auto-Numbering is a
common cause, for example. Sometimes, it can help to save the document to XML
format, close it, re-open, and save again as a Word document. Other times, you
might have to copy all EXCEPT the last paragraph mark to a new document (created
from a new Word 2003, preferably) to "shake out the dregs".

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :-)
Not sure if this would help, but try opening the file from the File pull-down
menu. When the Open dialog box is displayed for you to choose the file to
open, select the file and click the Open button at the bottom right-hand
corner to see the various Open options. Select Open and Repair to open the
file. If a dialog box is displayed to indicate that the file has a problem
and it was resolved, like Internal Data Integrity (Type 4) 1, then chances
are that your file size will shrink after you save the repaired file.