Increase your registry base size?


Robert Vilhelmsen

After running windows update on a W2K PRO when ever starting a program
windows will say: "you should increase your registry base size"

Does anyone know how to fix this?


Robert Vilhelmsen

Robert Vilhelmsen said:
After running windows update on a W2K PRO when ever starting a program
windows will say: "you should increase your registry base size"
Sorry, it´s when the computer boots up windows is saying this message.



My Computer -- right click -- Properties -- Advanced --
Performance options -- Virtual memory -- Change --
Registry Size.


Robert said:
Sorry, it´s when the computer boots up windows is saying this message.


To change the base size go to the system properties, tab Advanced,
choose performance options, Change under Virtual memory, at the bottom
of the page is the option to change the registry size.

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