Jeff Longphee
I have a boot disk (SATA Drive, Layout Simple, File system NTFS, Type
Dynamic) on a Windows XP professional, version 2003, service pack 3 system
which is rapidly running out of memory and degrading the performance of my
Computer. The C: partition (boot disk) was set up by the OEM (Dell) as a
partition of 20 GB on the dynamic 80 GB NTFS drive with a second partition,
the D: partition being the remaining 60 GB of the total drive space of 80 GB.
Is there an easy way to increase the C: drive memory or to remove the D:
drive entirely? The D: drive has 50 GB free space and there is a second drive
of 80 GB installed with an external drive of 120 GB available as well.
I searched the groups and could not find a simple answer to this issue. Most
of the posts are clouded with issues of dual boot systems and other issues. I
am only running the XP op system an have no desire in the future to change
this configuration on this machine.
Alternately is there a way to span the disk over to the other partition or
some other innovative solution to my issue?
Appreciate any help you can give me,
Jeff Longphee
Dynamic) on a Windows XP professional, version 2003, service pack 3 system
which is rapidly running out of memory and degrading the performance of my
Computer. The C: partition (boot disk) was set up by the OEM (Dell) as a
partition of 20 GB on the dynamic 80 GB NTFS drive with a second partition,
the D: partition being the remaining 60 GB of the total drive space of 80 GB.
Is there an easy way to increase the C: drive memory or to remove the D:
drive entirely? The D: drive has 50 GB free space and there is a second drive
of 80 GB installed with an external drive of 120 GB available as well.
I searched the groups and could not find a simple answer to this issue. Most
of the posts are clouded with issues of dual boot systems and other issues. I
am only running the XP op system an have no desire in the future to change
this configuration on this machine.
Alternately is there a way to span the disk over to the other partition or
some other innovative solution to my issue?
Appreciate any help you can give me,
Jeff Longphee