Increase Memory of Boot Volume on Dynamic Disk

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jeff Longphee
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Jeff Longphee

I have a boot disk (SATA Drive, Layout Simple, File system NTFS, Type
Dynamic) on a Windows XP professional, version 2003, service pack 3 system
which is rapidly running out of memory and degrading the performance of my
Computer. The C: partition (boot disk) was set up by the OEM (Dell) as a
partition of 20 GB on the dynamic 80 GB NTFS drive with a second partition,
the D: partition being the remaining 60 GB of the total drive space of 80 GB.
Is there an easy way to increase the C: drive memory or to remove the D:
drive entirely? The D: drive has 50 GB free space and there is a second drive
of 80 GB installed with an external drive of 120 GB available as well.

I searched the groups and could not find a simple answer to this issue. Most
of the posts are clouded with issues of dual boot systems and other issues. I
am only running the XP op system an have no desire in the future to change
this configuration on this machine.

Alternately is there a way to span the disk over to the other partition or
some other innovative solution to my issue?

Appreciate any help you can give me,

Jeff Longphee
Jeff - a most unusual combination. Usually OEMS such as Dell and HP include
a "recovery partition" designated as "D" with a capacity of 8 to 10 gigs.
Any of several third party utilities, such as Partition Magic or Acronis
Disk Director , will provide for resizing the partition/drives.
I bought the computer at a Dell store in Jakarta, Indonesia and this probably
is the reason for the weird combination. Never even thought about it until
now, the computer has always worked fine.

I tried using 3rd party software but cannot find one that supports Dynamic
disks. Neither Partition Magic or Acronis Disk Director supposrt Dynamic
disks, the partition does not appear when the program scans the disk.