Because of your answer to question #4, I think you are going to have to add a
table to track the last used value for your CCSubID, as it relates to IDNum
(just those two fields).
Whenever you create a new record in your main table, you need to insert a
record into this new table with the IDNum and the starting value for CCSubID
Then, in the current event of your subform, you need to test to see whether
you are on a new record. If you are, then you need to retrieve the previous
value of CCSubID from the new table, increment it by 10, and store it back to
the new table and into the CCSubID field of your subform. The code in your
subform might look something like:
Private Sub Form_Current
dim rs as dao.recordset
Dim strSQL as string
Dim lngNextSubID as long
if me.newrecord = false then exit sub
strSQL = "SELECT IDNUM, CCSubID FROM yourNewTable " _
& "WHERE IDNum = " & me.parent.IDNUM
set rs = currentdb.openrecordset strsql
if rs.eof then
rs.IDNUM = me.parent.IDNum
rs.CCSubID = 0
lngNextSubID = rsCCSubID + 10
rs.CCSubID = lngNextSubID
set rs = nothing
me.CCSubID = lngNextSubID
End sub
Hope this makes sense.
Had you wanted to just use 20 again (answer to #4) then you could have
gotten away with querying the table you are using for the subform to
determine the maximum CCSubID for the given IDNUM, and then adding 10 to it.
Something like:
if me.newrecord then
me.CCSubID = NZ(DMAX("CCSubID", "tblSubTable", "IDNUM = " &
me.parent.IDNUM), 0) + 10
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