inconsistent colour problem

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Mus' via


I have a database that up until recently has been fine. However, upon
installing it in a new branch office, I am finding that the form colours work
on some machines and not others making it unreadable. This is primariliy on a
tab control where the background is set to transparent. The background on the
rest of the form is fine but is not showing through correctly, and istead
almost whiting out the tab control and it's subforms.

I assumed but that this would be to do with display setting but on two
identical machines with identical setup, hardware, and software, one works
and one doesn't????

Any ideas?
If this is Access 2003 on Windows XP, your choices are:

a) In Access, uncheck the box under:
Tools | Options | Forms/Reports | Use Windows Themed Controls

b) In the WinXP screen settings (right-click your desktop), change the theme
Windows Classic.
Thanks Allen, good suggestion. Unfortunately, I had left the branch by the
time you has replied. I will try it on my next visit and post back how I get