Hi, Adam.
If someone can open the database without using your secure workgroup file,
then you've missed a step or two while attempting to secure it.
First, check to ensure that you are joined to the secure workgroup file by
using the Workgroup Administrator to view the path and file name of the
workgroup's *.MDW file. Now, open the "almost" secure database (don't use a
shortcut -- just double-click on the *.MDB file name itself) with the User
ID of the owner of the database and then select the Tools menu ->
Security -> User and Group Permissions... to open the User and Group
Permissions dialog window.
Select "Admin" in the "User/Group Name" list box. The "List" option should
have "Users" marked. Change the "Object Type" combo box to "Database." Do
you see any Permissions boxes checked? Remove these permissions.
Change the "List" option to "Groups." Select "Users" in the "User/Group
Name" list box. Do you see any Permissions boxes checked? Remove these
Select the "Change Owner" tab. Check every object type (Database, Table,
Query, et cetera) and every object in the list box when as each object type
is selected in the combo box. Do you see "Admin" or "Users" listed as the
owner of any object? Change the owner of these objects to the owner of the
database (your current User ID). When finished changing the owners of all
objects so that Admin and Users own nothing, select the "OK" button to save
your changes.
Select the Tools menu -> Security -> User and Group Accounts... to open the
User and Group Accounts dialog window. Select "Admin" in the "User" combo
box. Do you see any group other than "Users" in the "Member Of" list box?
Remove the Admin user from every group except the "Users" group. Select the
"OK" button to save your changes.
Now close the database. Did you remove any permissions or group membership,
or change the owner of any object? If so, then those were the important
steps you missed the first eight or nine times you ran through the Security
FAQ. Since you may have missed other steps, I would suggest practicing
securing a database a few more times by creating a new workgroup information
file, creating a user, joining the workgroup as that user, creating a new
database, importing all objects into the new database from the unsecured
one, et cetera . . . .
http://www.QBuilt.com for all your database needs.
http://www.Access.QBuilt.com for Microsoft Access tips.
(Please remove ZERO_SPAM from my reply E-mail address, so that a message
will be forwarded to me.)
Adam Merchant via AccessMonster.com said:
First of all, I'm completely confused. I've run through the steps in the
Security FAQ about 8-9 times now. I've implemented security and on my
computer it works beautifully. Then I go to another computer and open the
database and I get "You don't have the necessary permissions..etc". This is
great because it's not joined to my workgroup file so it's what I totally
expect. However, then I go to yet another computer and open the database it
opens right up - no login and no permissions error. That really doesn't
make sense to me. I know that there's an issue with Access 2000 that you
have to import all the objects to a new database while logged in as a member
of Admins, but I've done that. I've removed all permissions from the Users
group and the Admin login was given a password (which I would think would be
irrelevant as user/group info is stored in the workgroup file I'm not joined
up to). The permissions are stored in the database I thought so assuming
that's done, shouldn't I get an error every time I open it without it joined
to my correct workgroup?